ATTRACTIONS×MASA SCULPKnock Out Tee with Boxing Glove CharmWHITE(アトラクションズ)正規取扱店(Official Dealer)Cannon Ball(キャノンボール) [83867274]

ATTRACTIONS×MASA SCULPKnock Out Tee with Boxing Glove CharmWHITE(アトラクションズ)正規取扱店(Official Dealer)Cannon Ball(キャノンボール) [83867274]

販売価格: 8,120(税込)

在庫数 6枚


-Printed T-shirt Collection-
AM0003 Knock Out Tee with Boxing Glove Charm
MASA SCULP氏による、ミッドセンチュリースタイルのKNOCK OUTデザイン。
MASA SCULP LUCKY CHARMのボクシンググローブが一つ付属します。
= about MASA SCULP =
サインペインター、スカルプチャーアーティストとして活動するMASA SCULP。
= Original T-shirt =
襟にはダブルバインダー、袖、裾には天地引きを採用したATTRACTIONS×MASA SCULPブランドの専用ボディ。
AM0003 Knock Out Tee with Boxing Glove Charm
Mid-century style KNOCK OUT design by MASA SCULP. Comes with a lucky charm of a boxing glove made by him. *Color is random.
= about MASA SCULP =MASA SCULP is a sign painter and sculpture artist based on Tokyo. He has made numerous sign paints graphic designs figures prototypes etc. in his 20-years career. Specializes in art deco and mid-century designs.
= Original T-shirt =
Original body knitted with #17.5 open-end thread. Exclusive body for ATTRACTIONS x MASA SCULP collaboration with double binder on the collar and blind stitches on the sleeves and hem.
Material...Cotton 100%
Origin...Made in Japan
[身丈 / 身巾 / 肩幅 / 袖丈]
Size S : 65 / 48 / 44 / 23
Size M : 67.5 / 53 / 47 / 24.5
Size L : 70 / 56 / 50 / 26
Size XL : 72.5 / 60 / 53 / 27.5
[Length / Width / Shoulders / Sleeves]

ATTRACTIONS×MASA SCULPKnock Out Tee with Boxing Glove CharmWHITE(アトラクションズ)正規取扱店(Official Dealer)Cannon Ball(キャノンボール)

